Autumn and TCM

In Chinese Medicine, Autumn is associated with the Lungs (LU) and Colon (CO) organ, with the emotion of grief and the element of Metal (or air). After summer (maximum expansion) our energy starts to move in an inwardly direction. The CO has the primary function of letting go, eliminating waste (unnecessary or toxic) from our […]
Spring and TCM

Spring has brought us the Jacaranda flowers as well as major changes to our environment. These changes influence our physiology, our moods and our vitality. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) considers the ability to adapt to seasonal changes very important for our health. Allow me to share with you a few TCM concepts about Spring and […]
Cultivating our tomatoes.. cultivating our health

Cultivating our garden can be much more than just growing vegetables. Cultivating is a process independent from the outcome. Yet the produce of our garden is profoundly and directly connected to the cultivating intention/skill we apply to our gardening. Similarly when we cultivate our health, healing becomes a process independent from our conditions. Yet our […]
Cultivating our Breath

Our breath is not only our life companion it is also a messenger constantly and meticulously reflecting what is going on in our body and/or mind. Past or future breaths are of no value to our life. Unless we are able to breath “now” past breaths cannot sustain our life and future breaths wont happen. […]
Our intention as medicine

With energies such as struggle, tension, resistance (all form of Qi stagnation) acupuncture, massage and herbs helps a lot and people walks away feeling great. Sometimes the shift in energy is enough to resolve the issue and for people to take a different path. Sometimes though, for a lasting healing to occur there needs to […]